


主题:Sustaining Economic Growth and Meeting Environmental Obligations in Asia

报告人:Prof. Euston Quah
        新加坡南洋理工大学Albert Winsemius Chair Professor

主持人:王志凯     浙大经济学院  教授

时间:2019422  (周一)  下午300-500





This talk identifies and discusses the five main areas of environmental management public policy that pose serious challenges to Asian governments. The implications are such that if they are not handled properly, the result is unsustainable economic growth, and the likelihood of negative spill-over effects and social strife. The first is the emerging issue of siting environmentally unfriendly facilities that may be necessary for growth, but with the social and environmental costs borne primarily by local host residents and neighborhood municipalities. Examples of such contentious facilities are nuclear power stations, landfills, and incinerators etc. This is known as the NIMBY (Not-In-My-Back-Yard) syndrome. The second issue is the critical need for pricing of non-market environmental goods. Quietude, pristine land, biodiversity, heritage preservation, and other environmental goods are often not monetarily valued and are hence over-consumed. The third area of concern is waste generation. As Asian countries prosper, rising affluence results in increased consumption, creating mounting concerns about waste disposal. This is particularly acute for land scarce countries such as Singapore. The fourth area is that of transboundary pollution, which has become increasingly important with regards to its effects on health and foreign relations. Transboundary haze and river contamination are some examples. The last issue is that of global warming and climate change.


Prof. Euston Quah 简介:

Euston Quah博士,新加坡南洋理工大学经济学部主任,Albert Winsemius Chair Professor;现任《新加坡经济评论》主编,新加坡经济学会会长;主要从事环境经济学、成本――收益分析、法经济学、家庭经济学研究。加盟南洋理工之前,Euston Quah教授曾经担任新加坡国立大学经济学教授,人文社会科学学院副院长,李光耀政府管理学院副院长;Euston Quah教授常年担任新加坡总理高级智囊,商务部、财政部等政府部门高级顾问,新加坡市场合规与监督委员会委员,欧洲科学院院士,等要职。Euston Quah教授还担任多家国际知名经济学学术期刊的副主编和论文评审人,截至目前,他公开发表学术论文近200余篇,出版著作30余部。