2022 International Conference on Industrial Economics
Saturday, June 18-19, 2022
Center for Research of Private Economy and School of Economics
Zhejiang University (ZJU)
Hangzhou, China
Conference Location: School of Economics (Western Quad, Zijingan Campus), Zhejiang University + On line “Voov Meeting” (Please see the attached document for the detail).
For meeting 1: 2022 International Conference on Industrial Economics
Schedule time: 2022/06/18 08:00-18:00 (GMT+08:00)
Meeting ID:922-473-943 Password:952835
For meeting 2: Ph.D. Session of International Conference on Industrial Economics
Schedule time: 2022/06/18 13:30-18:00 (GMT+08:00)
Meeting ID:950-646-323 Password:952835
For meeting 3: 2022 International Conference on Industrial Economics
Schedule time: 2022/06/19 08:00-13:00 (GMT+08:00)
Meeting ID:349-933-002 Password:741963
For meeting4: 2022 International Conference on Industrial Economics
Schedule time: 2022/06/19 08:00-13:00 (GMT+08:00)
Meeting ID:286-766-757 Password:741963
Saturday, June 18
8:30 Registration (Room: 426, School of Economics)
8:45 Welcome (Room: 426, School of Economics)
Welcome from ZJU (Director of CRPE, Shiyuan Pan)
Introduction of Conference, Yongmin Chen, University of Colorado Boulder
9:00-11:15 Session One (Chair: Rongzhu Ke; Room: 426, School of Economics)
Search and Competition in Expert Markets
Yongmin Chen, University of Colorado Boulder
Competitive Nonlinear Income Taxation Revisited
Lixin Ye, Ohio State University
Exclusionary Conduct with Both Upstream and Downstream Entry
Yuk Fong, Hong Kong University
11:30-1:30 Lunch (Oversea Student Canteen, 3rd Flour)
1:30-3:00 Session Two (Chair: Miaojun Wang; Room:426, School of Economics)
Data quality, data property rights, and economic growth
Shiyuan Pan, Zhejiang University
Differential Pricing for Internet Traffic: Theory and Evidence from a Chinese ISP
Ce Shi, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Information Design in Vertically Differentiated Oligopolies
Renkun Yang, Jinan University
3:00-3:30 Break
3:30-5:00 Session Three (Chair: Ruqu Wang; Room: 426, School of Economics)
The Limits to Growth in the Data Economy
Danxia Xie, Tsinghua University
Ambiguous Persuasion in Contests
Xin Feng, Nanjing University
Versioning player-versus-player online games: a tournament design perspective
Zenan Wu, PekingUniversity
5:15-7:00 Conference Dinner (Oversea Student Canteen, 3rd Flour)
Ph.D Student Forum
3:30-5:00 Session Four(Chair: Xiwei Zhu; Room: 530, School of Economics)
CEO Turnover and Corporate Innovation: Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies
Shujun Sun, Zhejiang University
Can Vertical Specialization Reduce Inequality? Evidence from China
Yusheng Zhang, Zhejiang University
The Belt, the Road, and the Carbon Emissions in China
Zhaohua Xiao, Zhejiang University
Gender Gap in Math
Zeqing Jiang, Zhejiang University
Sunday, June 19
8:30-10:00 Session Five(Chair:Zibin Zhang; Room: 426, School of Economics)
Offline size and online sale: A Tale of Two Platforms
Huihui Li, Xiamen University
Driving the Drivers: Algorithmic Wage-Setting in Ride-Hailing
Zhe Yuan, Zhejiang University
Resource, Competition, and General Equilibrium Effects of Innovation Subsidies
Mohan Zhou, Zhejiang University
10:30-12:00 Session Six(Chair:Zhe Yuan; Room: 426, School of Economics)
Does integrating environmental protection in cadre evaluation system mitigate the race-to-the-bottom competition? Evidence from industrial land conveyance in China
Kwok Yuen Fan, Hong Kong PolyTechnic University
8:30-10:00 Session Seven (Chair:Dongxu Li; Room:530, School of Economics)
Ph.D Student Forum
10:30-12:00 Session Eight(Room: 530, School of Economics)
How Did China Manage the Trade War?
Xueqian Zheng, Zhejiang University
Measurement and Analysis on the Causes of Employment Deindustrialization in China
Deng Pan, Zhejiang University
Effects of Vertical Fiscal Imbalance on Fiscal Health Expenditure Efficiency
Simin Zhang, Zhejiang University
12:10-1:30 Lunch (Oversea Student Canteen, 3rd Flour)
Conference Organizers: Shiyuan Pan, Rongzhu Ke, Miaojun Wang, Zibin Zhang