NO. 130 报告人:陈明花
——Bundling and A La Carte Pricing in a Two-Sided Model
题 目:Bundling and A La Carte Pricing in a Two-Sided Model
报告人:陈明花 副教授(西南财经大学)
时 间:
地 点:浙大玉泉校区外经贸大楼418室
论文摘要:We examine the profitability of bundling and the impact of an a la carte regulation in a two-sided model, where the interaction between consumers (viewers) and advertisers is modeled explicitly. The model we develop can be used to inform policy makers about the welfare properties of a la carte pricing in the TV industry, but it is not limited to that industry. It is well known that in a one-sided market, mixed bundling is the weakly dominant strategy for a monopolist. However, this may not be true in a two-sided market. As we show, pure bundling can strictly dominate mixed bundling for the monopolist, because it can result in less advertising and hence higher consumer utility. The implication of advertising for an a la carte regulation is important. In a one-sided model an a la carte regulation will benefit consumers, while in a two-sided model consumers can be worse off because the amount of advertising increases.