NO. 178 报告人:徐晓书
——Optimal Sequential Auctions with the Arrival of New Bidders
题目:Optimal Sequential Auctions with the Arrival of New Bidders
报告人:徐晓书 上海交通大学
主持人:叶 兵
时 间:2012年11月28日 星期三 15:00-17:00
地 点:浙大玉泉校区外经贸大楼418室
内容概要:This paper characterizes the optimal sequential ascending English auctions with sequentially arriving, patient bidders, when the auctioneer lacks commitment power and resale is allowed. We identify the “bidder-beneficial” equilibrium when multiple equilibria are possible. When previous bidders are included as potential buyers in later auctions, we show that the optimal reserve prices decrease. Although resale is allowed, we identify sufficient conditions under which the auctioneer can ban resale implicitly on equilibrium path.