



讲座主题:  粮食安全政策的演变及其影响

演讲人:金澄     博士    伦敦大学亚非学院

主持人:夏�君   浙江大学经济学院 

时间:2014年4月3日(周四)下午 3:00:00-4:30





Abstract Through an empirical study of the evolution of agricultural policies in the first 30 years of China’s agricultural reform (1979-2008), this paper finds that the effectiveness of Food Security and Fiscal Security as two mutually-restraining policy goals in agricultural policy-making was still strongly dependent on the state’s choice of the Grain Bureau or the market as its policy instruments. China’s food security goal includes not only the maximization of grain output but also a rural-to-urban welfare transfer and grain monopoly interests; only the grain bureau can retain these monopoly interests and satisfy this grain-welfare transfer. However, using the grain bureau affects fiscal budget and reduces farmers’ incentives, lowering the grain supply. Therefore, the state’s biggest question in the reform has been whether to use the market or the grain bureau as the policy instrument to achieve food security in balance with fiscal security. Put simply, the Chinese government deals with grain issues in shock-response mode. When food security was threatened by the shock waves of fiscal insecurity and grain bureau’s grain monopoly interest the state passively responded by strengthening the grain bureau’s right to balance opposing policy goals to achieve food security. The conversion of policy goals with alternating policy instruments shaped complex market institutions and determined the cyclical growth pattern in China’s post-1979 agricultural growth.