NO. 206 报告人:Andre Veiga
——Product Design in Selection Markets
题 目:Product Design in Selection Markets
报告人:Andre Veiga 牛津大学博士后
主持人:叶兵 浙江大学经济学院
时 间:2014年4月16日 星期三 15:00-17:00
地 点:浙大玉泉校区外经贸大楼418室
Abstract: Insurers choose plan characteristics to sort for profitable consumers. In a model with multidimensional types, this sorting incentive is proportional to the covariance, among marginal consumers, between marginal willingness-to-pay and cost to the insurer. Standard forms of cost-sharing successfully repel costly consumers, but reducing plan comprehensiveness instead alienates the risk-averse. In a perfectly competitive equilibrium, the sorting incentive must vanish. Market power increases insurance quality and welfare. Nonetheless, a competitive equilibrium with positive insurance is possible when insurance value is sufficiently negatively correlated with cost. However, in a calibration to Handel, Hendel and Whinston (2013)’s data, equilibrium still fails to exist.