NO. 210 报告人:张敏
——Effects of Extended Unemployment Benefits on Labor Dynamics
题 目:Effects of Extended Unemployment Benefits on Labor Dynamics
报告人:张敏 副教授 上海财经大学
主持人:夏�君 浙江大学经济学院
时 间:2014年4月28日 星期一 15:00-17:00
地 点:浙大玉泉校区外经贸大楼418室
Abstract: The extension of unemployment bene.ts during downturns has significantly increased the variability of unemployment and vacancies in the United States. Taking this into account reduces the value of leisure necessary to explain the wide labor market business cycles that we observe using the Mortensen and Pissarides model. In the version of this model that we analyze, unemployment bene.ts not only expire but they must be earned with prior employment. With these features, the model is consistent with unemployment responding strongly to productivity shocks and mildly to unemployment insurance policy changes. Our preferred calibration predicts that the enactment of the Emergency Unemployment Compensation program in 2008 increased the unemployment rate by 0.5 percent.