NO. 214 报告人:Wing Suen
——Does competition promote disclosure?
题 目:Does competition promote disclosure?
报告人:Wing Suen 教授 (香港大学经济金融学院)
主持人:夏�君 浙江大学经济学院
时 间:2014年5月23日 星期五 15:00-17:00
地 点:浙大玉泉校区外经贸大楼418室
Abstract: We study two classes of communication games with multiple senders. It is fruitful to view the messages sent by competing senders as informative experiments available to the decision maker. Because a sender may induce disagreement with the decision maker, we develop a general result that underlies our analysis: when two Bayesian individuals have mutually-known different priors over the state, each believes that a more Blackwell-informative experiment will, on expectation, bring the other's posterior closer to his own prior.
We show that senders' disclosure behavior are strategic complements when there is a cost to lying or to concealing information, but strategic substitutes when there is a cost to disclosing information. Competition promotes disclosure in the former case, but when disclosure is costly, a receiver can be better off with fewer senders.