NO. 223 报告人:Raj Verma
——The Rise of the East (and the rest) and the Decline of the West?
题 目:The Rise of the East (and the rest) and the Decline of the West?
报告人:Raj Verma Assistant Professor
International Relations at the School of International and Public Affairs, Jilin University
主持人:夏�君 浙江大学经济学院
时 间:2014年11月7日 星期五 15:00-17:00
地 点:浙大玉泉校区外经贸大楼418室
Abstract: It has become the truism of our age that power is fast ebbing away from a declining West to the East and the "rest". Some indeed predict that the 21st Century will either be Asian or dominated by the so-called BRICs. This at least is how may economists, hisorians and students of world politics and inetrnational affairs are now viewing the nature of the larger international system. But how far has this process really gone? Will rising powers like India and China and re-emerging powers like Russia be able to change the global economic and political order? Dr Raj Verma describes a convergence between international relations, economics, international development, history and management to help us understand the post-BRIC economic and political state of the world. He shows how putting together rigorous ideas from cross-disciplinary social science provides a much better insight on the global economy.
Bio: Dr Raj Verma is Assistant Professor in International Relations at the School of International and Public Affairs, Jilin University. He is also a Visitng Fellow at the Centre for International Studies at LSE, UK. Previously, he has been a Fellow at the Asia Research Centre at LSE, Visiting Fellow at Nankai University and Visiting Fellow at Liberty Institute, India. Dr Verma has an MPhil and PhD in International Relations from LSE. He is a Masters in Comparative Politics from LSE and a Masters in International Political Economy from the University of Sheffield. He also holds a Masters in Economics from the Delhi School of Economics and a Bachelor in Economics (Honours) from the Delhi University. Dr Verma has taught in the Department of Economics and Department of International Relations at LSE. He has worked in think tanks and policy research institutions in India and in the UK and has significant experience as an economist and consultant. He has written numerous articles and reports which have been published. He has been interviewed by the media in India and the UK on economic and financial market developments, Indian foreign policy, Indo-Sino-US relations, current affairs of Asia, and India and China in Africa.