
NO. 263 报告人:韩信桐

——Student"s Dynamic Learning: A Structural Model and its Estimation



题  目:Student's Dynamic Learning: A Structural Model and its Estimation

报告人:韩信桐 Toulouse School of Economics

主持人:罗德明  教授   浙江大学经济学院

时  间:2016年6月17日   星期五   15:30-17:00

地  点:浙大玉泉校区经济学院418室





Efficiency of grading has aroused increasingly more attention from policy makers throughout the world. Yet we know little about how changes in grades can motivate students to study harder. Specifically, what is the optimal number of exams for a course that makes students exert the highest effort? To deal with this issue, we propose a structural model to analyze a student’s effort decision and its impact on his academic grades. We find that, allowing the possibility of learning, such a structural model enables us to quantify a wide class of problems concerning dynamic learning and its effects on the outcomes. Under the assumption that a student learns his ability through his past outcomes, our model predicts that a midterm exam drives students to study harder. We illustrate the method by using data from undergraduate students majoring in economics. The empirical analysis identifies the existence of incentive effects and quantifies that effect of learning on a student’s final grades. This suggests that students in our sample would work harder when using two exams instead of one or three.

