


2016 International Conference on Industrial Economics 
(The 6th Annual Conference on Industrial Economics)
Saturday, June 18, 2016--Sunday, June 19, 2016

Center for Research of Private Economy and
School of Economics Zhejiang University (ZJU), Hangzhou, China


Conference Venue: 4th Floor, Zhejiang University National Science Park Hotel, No.525 Xixi Road  (西溪路525号浙江大学科技园酒店4楼), Hangzhou, China (TEL:0086-571- 28926881)

 Saturday , June 18

 8:30 Registration


Welcome Remarks

Xianhai HUANG, Dean of School of Economics, ZJU


Introduction to the Conference

Yongmin CHEN (University of Colorado and ZJU)


9:00―10:30 Session One (Chair: Ruqu WANG, Queen’s University and ZJU)


Justin JOHNSON (Cornell University)
Anticompetitive Exclusive Dealing without Exclusion

 John TURNER (University of Georgia)
Patent Thickets, Trolls, and Unproductive Entrepreneurship


10:30---11:00 Coffee/Tea Break


11:00 �12:30 Session Two (Chair: Zibin ZHANG, ZJU)


Matthew SHUM (California Institute of Technology)
Strategic Manipulation in Peer Performance Evaluation: Evidence from the Field

 Yinghua HE (Toulouse School of Economics)
A Pigouvian Approach to Congestion in Matching Markets


12:30―14:00 Lunch


14:00―15:30 Session Three (Chair: Bing YE, ZJU)


Jidong ZHOU (Yale University)
Competitive Bundling 

Jianpei LI (University of International Business and Economics)
Bundled Procurement


15:30―16:00 Coffee/Tea Break


16:00---17:30 Session Four (Chair: Xiwei ZHU, ZJU)

Junjie ZHOU(Shanghai University of Finance and Economics)
The Effects of Price Competition in Multi-sided Markets

 Alex WHITE (Tsinghua University)
Insulated Platform Competition


18:30---20:30 Conference Dinner


Sunday, June 19


8:45―10:15 Session Five (Chair: Jianliang YE, ZJU)


Armin SCHMUTZLER (University of Zurich)
Inducing Variety: A Theory of Innovation Contests


Huasheng SONG (ZJU)
 Tariff Scares: Trade Policy Information and the Extensive Margin of Chinese Exporting Firms


10:15---10:45 Coffee/Tea Break


10:45 ----12:15 Session Five (Chair: Shiyuan PAN, ZJU)


Kaz MIYAGIWA (Florida International University and Hitotsubashi University)
Pharmaceutical Patents and Generic Entry Competition

 Mo XIAO (University of Arizona)
Privatization and Innovation: Productivity, New Products, and Patents in China


12:15---12:20 Closing Remarks

    Yongmin CHEN (University of Colorado and ZJU)


12:20---14:00  Lunch


Organizing Committee and Contact: Yongmin CHEN (chair); Huasheng SONG  

(ZJU, Tel: 0139-68058668)