NO. 275 报告人:史册
——Incidence and Welfare Effects of a Tax on Advertising in Two-Sided Markets
题目:Incidence and Welfare Effects of a Tax on Advertising in Two-Sided Markets
报告人:史册 助理教授 香港中文大学经济系
主持人:朱希伟 教授 浙江大学经济学院
时间:2017年4月20日(周四) 15:30-17:00
摘要: A number of European countries and US states have imposed/considered to impose a tax on advertising in media industries, often based on the justi cation that consumers view advertising as a (net) nuisance. Using a model of two-sided media markets, we show in this paper that, for mixed-fi nanced media platforms, taxation of advertising hurts all of the platform, advertisers, and ad-hating consumers. The results hold generally for a two-sided monopoly and for symmetric oligopolistic consumer markets with differentiated products. When a platform is (endogenously) solely ad- financed, taxation of advertising may benefit consumers while still hurting advertisers and the platform.