
NO. 281 报告人:王婷、娄姚荣

——A Cross-National Analysis of Structural and Legal Predictors of Female Offending



题目1:A Cross-National Analysis of Structural and Legal Predictors of Female Offending

报告人:    Department of Sociology, University of Kentucky 

题目2:Estimation of De Facto Exchange Rate Basket Weights

报告人:娄姚荣   Gatton College of Business and Economics, University of Kentucky 

主持人:朱希伟  教授   浙江大学经济学院

时间:2017年6月9日(周五)   15:00-17:00


A Cross-National Analysis of Structural and Legal Predictors of Female Offending

(Ting Lowan)

Department of Sociology, University of Kentucky

Quantitative, cross-national studies in the 21st century have been characterized by three trends: (1) an emphasis on victimization rather than offending, (2) a strong tendency to look only at homicide, and (3) an inclination to explain total rates rather than gender-specific rates.  As such, studies of differences between male and female offending rates have stagnated since the 1990s.  This study addresses this gap in the recent literature by testing the extent to which the gender gap in criminal offending for different crime types can be explained by structural conditions, gender norms and roles, and legal factors.  Structural predictors include demographic factors (e.g. population composition, population density, family size), measures of development (e.g. GDP per capita, urbanization ratio), and inequality (e.g. Gini coefficient, female/male education rate), which are commonly found in the cross-national literature. Additionally, this study also looks at the effects of gender norms and roles and different types of legal systems on gendered patterns of offending, which have not received a lot of attention in the empirical literature.


Estimation of De Facto Exchange Rate Basket Weights

娄姚荣 (Yaorong Lowan)

Gatton College of Business and Economics, University of Kentucky

Renminbi (RMB) exchange rate regime has been changed to a managed floating exchange rate regime based on market supply and demand with reference to a basket of currencies since the second reform of exchange rate regime in 2005. However, neither the basket itself nor its weights have been published. This paper tries to estimate the de facto weights of the exchange rate basket of RMB. The currencies in this basket are carefully selected according to several standards. Rolling three-month regression is used over the whole data period in order to investigate dynamic changes of the basket weights. Structural break test is also used to check if changes observed from rolling regression are significant. As a result, the whole data sample can be separated into different periods and each period has a different weight. Overall, the weight of US dollar is declining thus Chinese yuan is less pegged to it.

