NO. 284 报告人:Stergios Skaperdas
——Guns,Lawyers,And Markets: Economic Consequences Of Costly Conflict
题 目:Guns,Lawyers,And Markets: Economic Consequences Of Costly Conflict
报告人:Stergios Skaperdas 教授 University of California
主持人:梁友莎 讲师 浙江大学经济学院
时 间:2017年9月26日(周二) 15:30-17:00
地 点:浙江大学玉泉校区经济学院418室
摘要:Costly conflict activities are economically very significant, yet the assumption of perfect and costless enforcement of property rights is almost universal in economics research. Conflict follows directly from the methodological principle of self-interest and taking it into account in modeling leads to very different findings than in its absence: in straightforward extensions of basic models of exchange, compensation is inversely related to marginal productivity; prices depend on relative power, as well as on preferences, endowments, and technology; exchange itself can be foreclosed by enforcement costs; wage subsidies, land reform and other seemingly inefficient arrangements can be rationalized as appropriate policies in second-best settings; and comparative advantage is distorted in the presence of conflict. Moreover, the costs of conflict are not inevitable as they critically depend on governance and norms. Overall, in the presence of conflict and appropriation Nirvana or first-best models are not empirically plausible. Attributes of modern states such as law, checks and balances, and the bureaucratic form of organization can partly be thought of as restraining conflict and appropriation. These restraints are better than the typical governance alternative, which is personalized, proprietary governance and typically involves autocratic, amateurish, and corrupt rule.
Stergios Skaperdas是University of California, Irvine的教授, 同时也担任Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies的主任. 他的研究主要为Contest Theory (竞争理论), 在这个领域是全球知名的学者. 他的研究主要探讨, 个人和群体为了生存, 除了透过生产和贸易交换之外, 攫取他人生产也是一种重要的方式, 而Skaperdas教授即在此架构下, 发展出理论模型并借由此讨论许多现实世界的经济和政治问题, 如有组织的犯罪, 国家政府的起源, 内战, 各种形式的国内冲突, 以及许多现今我们所熟知全球化下产生的安全问题. 他的研究发表在许多经济学的著名期刊:如American Economic Review, American Political Science Review, Economic Journal, Journal of International Economics, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 和 Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.