
NO. 293 报告人:周晔馨

——The Development of Other-regarding Preferences in Adulthood: An Artefactual Field Experiment based on Household Survey




题 目:The Development of Other-regarding Preferences in Adulthood:  An Artefactual Field Experiment based on Household Survey

报告人:周晔馨  副教授  北京师范大学经济与资源管理研究院
主持人:宋华盛  教授    浙江大学经济学院

时 间:2018年4月20日(周五)  14:30―16:00

地 点:浙江大学玉泉校区经济学院418室  



Most existing literatures concentrated on other-regarding preferences adopt standard experimental methods on university students, but there is a lack of studies covering subjects across broader age spectrum and social identities. An individual’s preferences, especially other-regarding preferences may develop throughout his or her life. We designed and conducted an artefactual field experiment based on “China Genuine Progress indicator Survey(CGPiS)”, a random sampled household survey. The experiment involved 320 participants from Beijing and Chengdu with age from 17 to 70. Via four binary-choice dictator games, we investigated the development and gender difference of other-regarding preferences. The result shows: people become more egoistic and less egalitarian as they age, and altruism reaches its top during age 41-50, declines during 51-60, and then rises after retirement age. Meanwhile, a vast gender difference was found during the age of 31-40 and 51-60, when egoism and egalitarianism in man and woman present opposite pictures. Education promotes the transformation of egoism into egalitarianism significantly. We also attempt to explain the development of other-regarding preference and it’s gender difference from the perspective of family-life-cycle.



周晔馨,北京大学经济学博士,北京师范大学经济与资源管理研究院副教授,九三学社社员。瑞典隆德大学、斯德哥尔摩经济学院访问学者。研究领域为社会经济学、行为经济学、发展经济学和应用计量经济学。曾获得北京大学优秀博士论文奖,主持国家社会科学基金、国家自然科学基金等国家和省部级多项课题。主要论文见于European Economic Review、《经济研究》和《管理世界》等SSCI/CSSCI学术期刊,并担任Regional Studies、《经济研究》、《经济学季刊》、《管理世界》和《经济学报》等SSCI/CSSCI期刊匿名审稿人。


