NO. 299 报告人:薛涧坡
——One-Child Policy and Economic Growth
题 目:One-Child Policy and Economic Growth
报告人:薛涧坡 副教授 中国人民大学
主持人:宋华盛 教授 浙江大学经济学院
时 间:2018年6月29日(周五) 14:00―15:30
地 点:浙江大学玉泉校区经济学院236室
This paper examines the effects of China's One Child Policy (OCP) in a stylized unified growth model where demographic change plays a central role. The theoretical analysis shows that parents invest in the education of their children immediately after the OCP intervention. This increases the education level and increases the rates of both technological progress and economic growth in the short run. However, the low population mass resulting from the OCP hampers the natural economic evolution. This lowers education and reduces technology growth, retarding economic growth in the steady state. We calibrate the model using China's data and find that the recent termination of the OCP in China improves growth and welfare in the long run.
薛涧坡博士在香港中文大学获得哲学博士学位,现为中国人民大学财政金融学院财政系副教授、系副主任。主要研究领域为宏观经济理论与政策、财政理论与政策、经济增长理论等,在世界一流经济学专业期刊Journal of International Economics, Economic Theory, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Journal of Mathematical Economics, Macroeconomic Dynamics, Economics Letters等发表多篇论文,承担多项国家、省市和校级科研项目。