
NO. 303 报告人:汪通

——Poaching the Top: Will Exclusivity Lead to more supply?




目:Poaching the Top: Will Exclusivity Lead to more supply?

报告人:汪 通  爱丁堡大学助理教授

主持人:宋华盛  教授    浙江大学经济学院

时 间:20181019日星期五 1400--1530

地 点浙江大学玉泉校区经济学院418  


汪通法国图卢兹经济学院博士,爱丁堡大学商学院助理教授,北京大学汇丰商学院客座教授。其研究兴趣为产业组织、区块链机制设计和应用,以及高科技在公司金融上的应用。其研究发表在Journal of Industrial Economics, Journal of Economic Theory 等国际一流杂志上


论文摘要:Literature suggests that exclusivity usually leads to less upstream supply. By employing a difference-in-difference approach on a unique data-set containing activities of top writers on two competing social networking platforms, we find that switching the contract status to exclusivity does not necessarily decrease top writers’ productivity. We attribute the cause to three effects:  1) a market size effect that increases the total content supply; 2) a substitute effect that shifts the supplies from the open platform to the exclusive one; 3) a subsiding effect that could potentially go either way. This research also throws some light on the crowd-out effect between intrinsic motivation and monetary payoffs.


