NO. 309 报告人:黄炜
——How Do Households Adjust to Trade Liberalization? Evidence from China's WTO Accession
题 目:How Do Households Adjust to Trade Liberalization? Evidence from China's WTO Accession
报告人:黄 炜 新加坡国立大学助理教授
主持人:宋华盛 教授 浙江大学经济学院
时 间:2018年1月14日 星期一 14:00-15:30
地 点:浙江大学玉泉校区经济学院418室
黄炜,北京大学学士、硕士,哈佛大学博士,研究领域为公共经济学、劳动经济学和卫生经济学,研究成果发表于Nature, Journal of Economic Perspective, Review of Economics and Statistics, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics和Journal of Labor Economics等国际顶级期刊。
This paper investigates how households adjust to local labor market shocks caused by trade liberalization in urban China. Exploiting regional variation in the exposure to tariff cuts resulting from the WTO accession, we find that regions that initially specialized in industries facing larger tariff cuts experienced relatively larger wage declines. Households responded to the shock in several ways, including more female household members working, more young adults co-residing with parents, and households saving less. These findings suggest an insurance role of households against trade-induced labor market shocks.