
NO. 318 报告人:汪通

——An Empirical Study of Energy Consumption with a Mixture Pricing Mechanism





题目:An Empirical Study of Energy Consumption with a Mixture Pricing Mechanism

报告人:汪通  助理教授   爱丁堡大学 

主持人: 金樟峰  博士后  浙江大学经济学院

时间:2019614   星期五    12:00-13:30





We particularly try to provide an exploratory and tentative analysis on how an economic agent chooses the level of monthly total electricity consumption under the existence of a unique pricing system. Using a rich and unique panel data of citizen’s electricity consumption in Hangzhou, China, we structurally model the electricity con- sumption behavior under the existence of a mixture of two following pricing systems: 1. Increasing block pricing (IBP), for which the marginal price will gradually increase with the total consumption level. 2. Time-of-use pricing system, which refers to the calculation of electricity price in different time periods, and the electricity price is more expensive during peak hours (day) and during valley hours (night). The estimation of such a demand model of electricity consumption allows us to evaluate the impact of counterfactual energy policies. In particular, the specific policies that we seek to evaluate are the changes in the blocks and marginal prices, as recently proposed by the government. Specifically, we aim to estimate the impact of the new proposals that may be introduced and their effect on choices of households during different seasons.




汪通博士现为爱丁堡大学商学院商业经济学助理教授,北京大学汇丰商学院客座教授。他在图卢兹经济学院获得经济学博士学位,在来爱丁堡大学工作之前,他在欧洲大学学院担任让.莫奈研究员,从事规制和竞争政策分析的研究工作。他的研究兴趣主要在产业组织、区块链机制设计和应用,以及高科技在公司金融上的应用。汪通博士的工作发表在国际一流杂志上,诸如Journal of Industrial Economics, Journal of Economic Theory 等等。

