
NO. 322 报告人:傅十和

——How Extensive are Air Pollution Spillovers? An Application to China's Manufacturing Productivity






题目:How Extensive are Air Pollution Spillovers? An Application to China's Manufacturing Productivity

报告人:傅十和    教授   厦门大学王亚南经济研究院、经济学院 

主持人: 金樟峰  博士后  浙江大学经济学院

时间:2019年10月18日   星期五    12:00-13:30




The extent of trans-boundary pollution spillovers versus local effects is a necessary input in evaluating centralized versus decentralized environmental policies. We estimate spillovers of particulate matter smaller than 10 micrograms (PM10) on manufacturing labor productivity in China. A one μg/m3 annual increase in PM10 locally reduces output by CNY 4,613 and an increase at 50 kilometers by CNY 535. The spillovers decline quickly to CNY 83 at 600 kilometers and then slowly to zero at about 1,000 kilometers. The results suggest the need for supra-provincial environmental policies. Our approach allows for a flexible relationship between pollution and outcome as a function of distance and is easily adapted to compare spillover and local effects for other outcomes. To estimate causal effects, it uses a mixed two-stage least squares method that combines the high frequency (daily) endogenous pollution variable with low-frequency (annual) outcome data. This avoids using annual pollution data which is vulnerable to inter-regional common shocks and insufficient variation.



傅十和,厦门大学王亚南经济研究院、经济学院教授。2005年毕业于美国波士顿学院,获经济学博士学位。研究兴趣包括城市、区域与房地产经济学;劳动经济学;环境经济学;应用计量经济学;经济增长;中国经济。研究成果发表于Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Urban Economics,Review of Economics and Statistics,《经济研究》等国内外著名期刊。


