NO. 341 报告人:罗耀
——Timing under Rolling Admissions
题目:Timing under Rolling Admissions
报告人:罗耀 副教授 多伦多大学
主持人:叶兵 副教授 浙江大学经济学院
时间:2020年10月16日(星期五) 上午9:00-10:30
腾讯会议 (会议ID:178 711 283)
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摘要:Admission processes in many higher education markets are inherently dynamic. We study student application and school admission timing under rolling admissions using a unique U.S. law school market dataset. Our results show that schools employ non-stationary admission standards within application cycles: applications submitted earlier enjoy a considerable admission advantage relative to later applications. We rationalize such strategies in a simple yield management model and provide evidence for three types of frictions that constrain applicants from applying earlier.
简历:罗耀,加拿大多伦多大学经济系副教授,宾州州立大学获得经济学博士学位。主要从事产业组织和应用计量领域的研究。研究获得 SSHRC、NET Institute 等的资助,项目涵盖价格歧视、捆绑销售、非线性定价、实证拍卖和生产函数估计等,主要用于分析中国电信市场、政府招投标、拍卖、钢铁行业以及金融等。成果发表在 Journal of Political Economy、RAND Journal of Economics、International Economic Review 等学术期刊。