
NO. 343 报告人:屈展

——Vertical Contracts and the Bullwhip Effect:Model, Extensions and Possible Applications to Trade



题目:Vertical Contracts and the Bullwhip Effect:
     Model, Extensions and Possible Applications to Trade 

报告人:屈展  助理教授  德国哥廷根大学 

主持人:叶兵   副教授   浙江大学经济学院 

时间:2020年10月30日(星期五) 下午14:00-15:30


腾讯会议 (会议ID:309 430 555)

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摘要:This paper shows that allowing downstream firms in a supply chain to carry strategic inventory may dampen the bullwhip effect, thereby making the supply chain more resilient to demand shocks. Strategic inventory occurs if downstream firms move orders forward in order to put pressure on the wholesale prices that suppliers charge on subsequent purchases. We show that it is the process of forward buying that reduces the variance of suppliers' production relative to buyers' sales. Since strategic inventory involves an implicit cost there is a limit to how much strategic inventory buyers should be allowed to carry and hence how much the bullwhip effect should be dampened. We prove that suppliers should only eliminate the bullwhip effect if demand shocks are not too persistent. 


简历:屈展,德国哥廷根大学助理教授。博士毕业于德国基尔大学,曾在TU Dresden从事博士后研究工作。研究兴趣主要包括运营管理、国际贸易、以及产业组织。研究工作曾发表于Management Science, Economic Theory,International Journal of Industrial Organization等国际学术杂志。



