NO. 350 报告人:王婷
Mismactched Liberation Theory & Gendered Crime in the United States
题目:Mismactched Liberation Theory & Gendered Crime in the United States
报告人:王婷 助教授 美国北卡大学格林斯堡分校
主持人:叶兵 副教授 浙江大学经济学院
时间:2021年4月2日(星期五) 下午13:00 -14:30
腾讯会议 (会议ID:266 645 227)
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摘要:America has seen a remarkable crime rate decline since the early 1990s, but women's share of crime paints a distinctive picture, which keeps increasing from the 1960s to this day. Theoretical debates have been incubated along with the rising female crime phenomenon, but no consent has been reached primarily due to the adoption of a simplified gender conceptualization. Synthesizing different schools’ contests and based on multi-layered gender construction, I propose a new theory that ascribes the increasing female crime share to unequal emancipatory advancement between women’s ideological aspirations and institutional means in the post-feminist era. It is proposed that an incommensurate pace in progression inflicts gender-specific deprivation on women, which increases their share of crime. Using ARIMA models, the theory is tested with Uniform Crime Reporting data from 1980 to 2017 across offense types. The findings indicate that mismatched liberation increases the female share of violent and property crimes, especially for adult cohorts and among samples after 1988 when women's ends-means gap is found to be enlarged.
简历:王婷,社会学博士,经济学博士。美国北卡大学格林斯堡分校助教授。专长为犯罪学理论,美国刑事司法,性别理论等。成果已见于Feminist Criminology, The Sociological Quarterly, Gender & Society, International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice等高级别期刊。合著有教科书Women and Minorities in Criminal Justice (译为《刑事司法中的女性和少数族裔》),于2020年在美国出版。