


姓  名柯荣住
职  称教授
职  务






1. 工作论文

Ke, R., and Ryan, C. 2018. “A Penalty Function Approach to Necessary Optimality Conditions for Non-Convex Bi-level Optimization”, invited for resubmission to Mathematic Programming.

Ke, R. 2018. “Ranking Information Systems without First-Order Approach”.

Ke, R., and Xu, X. 2019. “The existence of optimal deterministic contracts in pure moral hazard problems”).

Li, J., Powell, M., and Ke, R. 2018. “Firm Growth and Promotion Opportunities”.

Ke, R., Lu, Y., and Zhu, L. 2018. “Trade Reforms and Wage Dispersion: Workforce Composition or Rent Sharing”.

Ke, R., and Ryan, C. 2018. “Information-trigger Contract”

Ke, R. 2018. “A Fixed-point Method for Validating the First-order Approach” 

Ke, R. 2018. “Auctioning Social Surplus: The Best Possible Bayesian Mechanism with ex post Budget Balance”

Ke, R., and Ryan, C. 2018. “Infinite-dimensional Duality without Global Concavity: Characterization and Continuity of Optimal Contracts”

Ke, R. 2018. “Optimal Wage Commitment under Career Concern”

Fang, H., Ke, R., and Zhou, L. 2018. “Rosca Meets Financial Market”, NBER Working Paper 21683.

Ke, R. 2018. “Non-parametric Identification of Moral Hazard Problems: First Order Approach and Statistical Inference”

           Zheng, E., Huang, Y., Ke, R., and Hong, W.  2018. “Self-undermining Institutions: The Increasing Network Effect Networks on Elite Recruitment between 1400-1580, China”.



    香港浸会大学教员资助项目: “Social Structure, State Capacity, and Agency Problem: An Investigation on Dynastic Circle.” PI, 2017-2018.

    香港中文大学教员资助项目: “Optimal Mechanism Design for Rotating Savings and Credit Associations,” 独立主持人, 2009-2011.

    香港政府研究资助局项目: “Mutual Insurance with Private Known Shock: Optimal Mechanism Design for Rotating Savings and Credit Associations,” 独立主持人, 2011-2013, HKD 480,000.

    香港中文大学重点资助项目: “Focused Innovations Scheme (formerly known as Focused Investments Scheme) - Scheme B: Gene-Environment Interactions and the Dynamic Life-cycle Human Capital Formation: A Collection and Study of Longitudinal Child Twin Data,” 参与者, 2011-2014.

    耶鲁大学资助项目: “Gene-Environment Interactions and the Dynamic Life-cycle Human Capital Formation: A Collection and Study of Longitudinal Child Twin Data,” 参与者, 2011-2013.

    徐欣毅主持 (国家自然科学基金 “Research on the Trust Mechanism Based on Game Theory: a Network Approach”, 主要参与者, 2019/2021.

    香港浸会大学重点研究领域资助项目: “Governance Structure, People Management, and Economic Performance”, 主要参与者, 2018-2020.

