NO. 365 报告人:王争
Business Flies: Estimating the Trade Effect of Air Connectivity
题目:Business Flies: Estimating the Trade Effect of Air Connectivity
主持人:杜立民教授 浙江大学民营经济研究中心
摘要:Using a unique itinerary-level global air traffic database, this paper proposes a novel instrumental variable to estimate the effect of in-person interactions on bilateral trade, where the former is measured by international air passenger flows. Our identification strategy exploits variations in third-country connecting flight capacities in the global flight route network to leverage exogenous variations in the air connectivity between two countries. Our results show that international air connectivity facilitates trade between countries, but only for industries with a higher reliance on relationship-specific investments or incomplete contracts. We also find that trade in new products, relative to existing products, responds more positively to improved air transport links. Together, these findings suggest that in-person communications reduce transaction costs in international trade by facilitating the exchange of complex knowledge that cannot be easily and completely codified and by breaking market entry barriers.
简介:王争,英国德蒙福特大学(De Montfort University)经济学副教授,应用经济学研究中心副主任,英国诺丁汉大学博士,浙江大学博士、学士。研究领域主要包括国际贸易,政治经济学,环境经济学,以及经济社会政策评估。其研究成果发表于Journal of Development Economics, European Economic Review, Journal of Comparative Economics, Environmental and Resource Economics, Economics Letters,Review of World Economics,《经济研究》,《经济学季刊》,《经济学报》,《金融研究》等国际国内高影响力期刊。曾主持英国学术院(The British Academy)项目。