NO. 367 报告人:马旺林
Cooking Fuel Choices and Subjective Well-being in Rural China
题目:Cooking Fuel Choices and Subjective Well-being in Rural China
报告人:马旺林 副教授 新西兰林肯大学
主持人:杜立民 教授 浙江大学民营经济研究中心
This paper examines the impacts of cooking fuel choices on individuals’ subjective well-being, measured by happiness and life satisfaction, using open-access data from the 2016 China Labor-force Dynamics Survey. We analyze the impacts by employing a multivalued treatment effects model that accounts for selectivity bias. Unlike previous studies that consider households’ binary fuel use decisions or specific fuel choices, we capture the households’ fuel-stacking behaviors (using multiple fuels) by classifying cooking fuels into clean fuels, non-clean fuels, and mixed-fuels. The empirical results show that complete energy transition (i.e., switching from either non-clean fuels or mixed fuels to clean fuels) significantly improves individuals’ happiness and life satisfaction. In comparison, incomplete energy transition (i.e., shifting from non-clean fuels to mixed fuels) does not significantly impact individuals’ subjective well-being. A complete energy transition increases people's subjective well-being in the eastern and central parts of China but has no impact on those living in western China. Furthermore, switching from non-clean fuels to clean fuels significantly reduces happiness inequality and life satisfaction inequality. Switching to cleaner fuels also significantly increases individuals’ self-reported health. We recommend that the government in China make concerted efforts to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and clean energy sources and accelerate rural households’ energy transition.
马旺林,新西兰林肯大学经济学副教授。2016年获得德国基尔大学农业经济学博士。马旺林博士主要从事农业经济学和发展经济学领域的研究工作,已发表论文80多篇,其主要研究成果以第一作者身份发表在《American Journal of Agricultural Economics》、《Journal of Agricultural Economics》、《Energy Economics》和《China Economic Review》等国际期刊。马旺林博士目前担任《Review of Development Economics》和《Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics》期刊的联合主编, 以及《Electronic Commerce Research》等期刊的副主编,同时担任90多个国际期刊的匿名审稿人。