- NO. 190 报告人:顾燕峰——The dynamics of market integration in China, 1...[2013-05-27]
- NO. 188 报告人:Charles Angelucci——Managing Persuasion[2013-05-04]
- NO. 189 报告人:张天乐——Entry and Welfare in Search Markets[2013-05-04]
- NO. 187 报告人:王争——Provincial Protectionism in China[2013-04-15]
- NO. 186 报告人:汪通——Migration to the Public Cloud[2013-04-08]
- NO. 185 报告人:赵小健——Self-Esteem, Shame and Personal Motivation[2013-04-01]
- NO. 183 报告人:施康——Trade Reforms and Current Account Imbalances[2013-03-25]
- NO. 184 报告人:黄智亮——Menu Implementability and Practical Pricing Sc...[2013-03-25]
- NO. 182 报告人:龚炯——Criminalizing Employee Negligence[2013-03-18]
- NO. 181 报告人:Travis Ng——Do Treasure Islands Create Firm Value?[2013-03-11]
- NO. 180 报告人:李婷——医疗保险改革对医疗价格的影响――基于中国的理论...[2012-12-10]
- NO. 179 报告人:陈斌——Subjective Performance Feedback, Employee Turn...[2012-11-30]
- NO. 178 报告人:徐晓书——Optimal Sequential Auctions with the Arrival o...[2012-11-28]
- NO. 177 报告人:董白羽——Misallocation or Mismeasurement?[2012-11-23]