- NO. 218 报告人:Bo Chen——Optimal Bundling Prices Under Correlated Valua...[2014-06-24]
- NO. 217 报告人:史册——Advertising and Platform Competition with Mult...[2014-06-18]
- NO. 216 报告人:耿森——Towards a choice model of k* focus[2014-05-30]
- NO. 214 报告人:Wing Suen——Does competition promote disclosure?[2014-05-28]
- NO. 215 报告人:李广众——Exchange Rate Volatility and Firm-level Invest...[2014-05-28]
- NO. 213 报告人:杨扬——红利发放的行为惯性与企业的“认知失调”[2014-05-16]
- NO. 212 报告人:吴斌珍——Scientific Personnel Allocation and Firm Innov...[2014-05-09]
- NO. 211 报告人:Huanxing Yang——Targeted Advertising on Competing Platforms[2014-05-08]
- NO. 210 报告人:张敏——Effects of Extended Unemployment Benefits on L...[2014-04-28]
- NO. 209 报告人:Scott Gilpatric——A dynamic Markov tournament model of an up-and...[2014-04-25]
- NO. 208 报告人:孙宁——Hybrid Mechanisms for Car Licenses Allocation ...[2014-04-21]
- NO. 207 报告人:宋枫——中国风电发展区域差异及影响因素分析[2014-04-18]
- NO. 206 报告人:Andre Veiga——Product Design in Selection Markets[2014-04-16]
- NO. 205 报告人:凌晨——Comparing Open-loop and Feedback Nash Equilibr...[2014-04-11]